
Number one on the list of things to see in Cambodia is, of course, the famous temples of Angkor Wat Angkor Wat. Temples of Angkor Angkor is often the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Cambodia. Understandably, the temples of Angkor top the list of many who travel to Cambodia as it is one of the most important archaeological sites in Southeast Asia. Angkor has become the symbol of Cambodia, depicted on the national flag of Cambodia, and the main attraction of Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, thanks to the legendary UNESCO-listed vine-adorned pagodas and stupas, Angkor Wat is also one of the busiest places in the country. History buffs will love Cambodia, as Cambodia's strong and fascinating history does not stop at the borders of Angkor Wat National Park. Of course, lovers of history and architecture will surely enjoy Cambodia as the divine temples of Angkor Wat and Phnom Penh are numerous and some of the most beautiful in the world. Phnom Penh is not the most exciting and beautiful city, it is best to visit the numerous temples, museums, and royal palaces. With all this, the Royal Palace is one of the best tourist attractions in Cambodia and one of the best tourist attractions in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It is amazing how many places in Cambodia can be kayaked. All you must do is decide which tour you like best. While in Cambodia, you can head to Angkor, Koh Rong Saloem, Koh Kon, Koh Tang, and Koh Prince for some great diving spots. You can also take the opportunity to get off the beaten track and enjoy Cambodia's natural attractions. You can explore the many different temples dotted around Angkor Wat by tuk tuk, bicycle or private vehicle. Angkor was the capital of the Khmer Empire from the 9th to 15th centuries and you can explore the temples and ruins of the Khmer Empire at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Angkor Archaeological Park. The Angkor Archaeological Park is dotted with hundreds of ancient temples, religious buildings and dilapidated relics dating back to the Khmer Empire. While big cities are rapidly modernizing, a visit to the famous Angkor offers the opportunity to see temples unmatched in size and grandeur in Southeast Asia. The thousands of temple ruins include the famous Angkor Wat Temple, the world's largest religious monument, the Bayon Temple of Angkor Thom with its array of massive stone faces, and Ta Prohm, a Buddhist temple ruin intertwined with tall trees. Situated on the border with Thailand, this stunning temple complex attracts fewer crowds and more of a Cambodian flavour. Siem Reap also has some great museums such as the Cambodian Landmine Museum and the (no less shocking) Cambodian War Museum. Food tours in Siem Reap are another informative way to sample the delicacies that Cambodia has to offer. There are several places in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap where visitors can watch the dance on their own, including the Apsara Theatre in Angkor Village and Phu Nan in Siem Reap. As important as the most famous temple is, it is also one of the most romantic places to visit in Cambodia.