Come to Nicaragua where natural wonders await!

Nicaraguan natives call their country the "Land of Volcanoes and Lagoons". They affectionately call themselves "El Pueblo Indio" or The Indian People, in Spanish.

Nicaragua is an inland country and as such it is also home to several eco attractive destinations including the Cerro Negro, an active volcano within a national park filled with unique wildlife and volcanically cooled lagoons, the Mombacho Volcano which offers spectacular views of two different lagoons and tips touching Nicaragua's Caribbean coastline and the Granada lagoon.

Nicaragua offers plentiful trekking opportunities, beaches for sunning oneself in the sand and communities for guest staying to get acquainted with local life. Some locations in Nicaragua includes Cerro Negro- a notorious hike up volcanic mountain with 50-degree slopes frequented by extreme sports enthusiasts, Managua - capital city where one can find the National Museum of Art or see people weaving hammocks on Granada's streets or visit Ometepe Island- a magnificently rich tropical gem of Nicaraguan history.


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