From Tirana / Durres: Dajti Mountain Cable Car & BunkArt 1 From Durres: Cable Car Dajti Mountain & Bunkart 1 Day Tour

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ID: GYG680010-O-1119342
Land: Albanië

Duur: 06:00 uren


Day tour from Tirana, Durres & Golem. Discover Dajti Mountain, standing at 1,613 m above sea level with stunning views of Tirana with the Cable Car & explore the nuclear Bunker of Cold War Era.
Embark on an adventure to Dajti Mountain from Tirana with pick up at 09:30 and Durres and Golem, with pickups at 08:20 and 09:00 respectively. As we journey to Tirana, discover Albania's vibrant capital city, home to a population of over 800,000 people and rich historical significance. Visit Bunk Art 1, a former nuclear bunker turned museum, to delve into Albania's tumultuous past, particularly its communist era.

After the insightful museum tour, we ascend to Dajti Mountain via cable car, enjoying breathtaking views of the landscape below. At the mountain's summit, explore hiking trails, relax at the mountaintop restaurant, or simply soak in the panoramic vistas of Tirana and beyond. Indulge in a delicious lunch or sip coffee while admiring the cityscape below.

As we return, reflect on the day's experiences, filled with history, nature, and unforgettable moments in Albania's stunning scenery.


  • Experience the thrill of ascending Dajti Mountain via cable car
  • Immerse yourself in Albania's history (communist era) with a visit to BunkArt
  • Enjoy panoramic views of Tirana from Dajti Mountain, perfect for hiking & dining



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