From Tirana/Durres: Kruja, Old Bazaar, Sari Salltik Day Tour From Tirana/Durres: Kruja, Old Bazaar, Sari Salltik Day Trip

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ID: GYG679936-1118980
Land: Albanië

Duur: 07:00 uren


Discover the history of the legendary Albanian resistance to the Ottomans on a day trip from Tirana. Visit the Castle of Kruja, the Old Bazaar, and Sari Salltik mountain.
Embark on a guided excursion through the enchanting city of Kruja, where you'll delve into its famed landmarks. Explore Kruja Castle, Skanderbeg’s Museum, the Old Bazaar, and Sari Salltik mountain.

Begin your journey by being picked up from your Tirana hotel, setting off towards Kruja city. After an approximately one-hour drive, arrive in Kruja and commence your tour with a visit to Kruja Castle, home to Skanderbeg’s Museum. This fortress stood as the heart of the legendary Albanian resistance against the Ottomans, under the leadership of national hero Skanderbeg in the 15th century.

Marvel at replicas of Skanderbeg's helmet and sword in the main hall, as well as the banners and insignias of influential families who supported the heroic cause, all while your guide regales you with tales of the past.

Following this enriching historical exploration, venture into the vibrant ambiance of the Old Bazaar to peruse contemporary arts and crafts, perhaps snagging some intricate local souvenirs.

Conclude your adventure with a scenic drive along a mountainous route to the sacred enclave of Sari Salltik. Explore this cave nestled on a mountaintop 1176 meters high, and relish breathtaking vistas stretching all the way to the Adriatic Sea.

Upon completion, return to Tirana, cherishing the memories of your captivating journey through Kruja.


  • Discover the history of the legendary Albanian resistance to the Ottomans
  • Visit the Castle of Kruja, which houses Skanderbeg’s Museum
  • See a copy of the helmet and the sword of Scanderbeg in the main hall
  • Explore the Old Bazaar and look for souvenirs, including local handicrafts
  • Drive to the holy site of Sari Salltik and enjoy the amazing view from the top



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