Baden-Baden: Private Walking Tour With A Professional Guide

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ID: GYG455066-815966
Land: Duitsland

Duur: 02:00 uren


Discover a true wellness town, infused with spa culture: Baden-Baden. Experience the amalgam of the Roman era and the aristocratic 18th-century influence in architecture.
Together with this city’s curative waters and it’l old world luxurious flair, Baden-Baden has attracted the rich and famous from all around the globe, including Bismarck, Queen Victoria and more recently, Barack Obama and Victoria Beckham. This Black Forest town has long claimed the throne as the “Summer Capital of Europe”. Enjoy the spas, cafes, neo-classical buildings and modernist villas built along the hillsides with a scenic mountain view, while you discover the reason why this city is named after it’s water’s healing properties.


  • Back to the history of Roman bath and French Revolution
  • Explore the Olympic town
  • Learn about the Second Congress of Rastatt and Ducal government
  • Rome around the Headquarters of the French occupation forces in Germany
  • Transported back to history of Franco-Prussian War



In front of the Trinkhalle, Kaiserallee 3, 76530 Baden-Baden, Germany

Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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