Wonderful Gabala - Full Day Tour with overnight

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ID: GYG667446-1100049
Land: Azerbeidzjan

Duur: 2 dagen


Explore Gabala's gems: historic mosque, Yeddi Gozel waterfall, Nohur Lake's beauty, and shooting club fun before hotel check-in.
As the day dawns, guests enjoy a hearty breakfast at their Gabala hotel, preparing for an exciting excursion ahead. At 8:00 AM, they embark on their journey, with the first stop being the Shamakhi Juma Mosque. This ancient mosque, dating back to the 9th century, stands as a testament to the region's rich cultural heritage.

Continuing their adventure, guests marvel at the natural wonder of Yeddi Gozel waterfall. Nestled amidst lush greenery, the cascading waters create a mesmerizing spectacle, offering a serene backdrop for a relaxing tea break.

Next, they journey to the picturesque Nohur Lake, where the majesty of the Caucasus Mountains unfolds before their eyes. The tranquil atmosphere and the melodic chirping of birds provide the perfect setting for unwinding and soaking in the beauty of nature.

After a leisurely morning exploring Gabala's natural wonders, it's time for a well-deserved lunch break. Guests savor delicious local cuisine, replenishing their energy for the adventures yet to come.

Following lunch, the excitement continues with a visit to the Gabala Shooting Club. Here, guests have the opportunity to test their marksmanship skills in a safe and supervised environment. Whether experienced shooters or novices, everyone can enjoy the thrill of hitting the target and competing with friends and family.

As the day draws to a close, guests check into their hotel in Gabala, where they can unwind and relax after a day filled with exploration and adventure. With memories of historic landmarks, breathtaking waterfalls, serene lakes, and exhilarating shooting experiences, they retire for the night, looking forward to more adventures in the days to come.

Day 2 Breakfast at the hotel.

• Check-out from the hotel
• Tufandag Mountain Resort provides its guests with a natural setting with incomparable beauty
and harmony. Built like a jewel in the crown of the surrounding mountains, Tufandag Mountain
Resort is a must-see spot for nature lovers and sports enthusiasts alike.
• Way to Baku (4-5 hours way)
• Reaching Baku


  • Blend of history, nature, and adventure.
  • Ancient sites, stunning waterfalls, serene lakes.
  • Thrilling marksmanship at Gabala Shooting Club.



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