Uyuni Salt Flat Tour from Cusco

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ID: GYG509022-893123
Land: Bolivia

Duur: 3 dagen


The tour begins with the departure from Cusco to Puno, where we will board the tourist bus towards La Paz and in turn to Uyuni.
Day 1:
The Salar de Uyuni Tour from Cusco begins with the pick up from the Hotel in Cusco and transfer to the Cusco terminal.
Transfer in tourist bus from Cusco – Puno (departure 22:00 Hrs)-(arrival 5:00 hrs am).
Day 2:
Pick up from the hotel in Puno and transfer to the Puno terminal.
Transfer by tourist bus from Puno – La Paz (arrival at 2:00 p.m.).
Free afternoon, you can visit the city of La Paz and El Alto.
The transfer will be made by tourist bus from La Paz – Uyuni (Departure 20:00 Hrs), arrival the next day 05:00 Hrs.
Day 3:
We will go to the train cemetery to see the old locomotives.
Then we will visit the community of Colchani (the gateway to the Salar) where we will find rustic craft workshops and the rustic table salt micro-processor.
Continuing with the expedition to the majestic Salar, we will make stops to see salt extractions, the eyes of the salt flat and the Playa Blanca Salt Hotel that currently only works as a museum.
Later we will visit the most popular island of the Salar located in the middle of the Salar, the Incahuasi Island where we will hike and appreciate large expanses of cacti, sea rock fossils and spectacular 360° views from the viewpoint.
Finishing our tour, we headed to the town of Uyuni.
End of our services of the Salar de Uyuni Tour from Cusco


  • Get to know the train cemetery
  • Appreciate the majestic Salar de Uyuni
  • Get to know the incahuasi island



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


Deze excursie kunt u kosteloos annuleren tot: annuleringstijd voor aanvang van de reis. Bij annulering na: annulering na: annuleringstijd of niet aanwezig zijn op de excursie wordt de volledige prijs van de activiteit alsnog in rekening gebracht. Te laat komen bij het ophalen of vertrekken wordt beschouwd als niet komen opdagen.