From Paphos: Kurion - Limassol - Lefkara Tour

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ID: GYG425686-820347
Land: Cyprus

Duur: 07:00 uren


Get acquainted with Cyprus through the contrast of ancient amphitheater of Kurion and myth of Aphrodite's birthplace, the eclectic style of the Limassol lifestyle, and Lefkara’s picturesque village
On this trip, you will get acquainted with medieval history, archeological sights, modern Cyprus, and its traditions.

We will introduce you to the ancient city of Kourion, located on the top of a cliff, in a place of breathtaking beauty. You will truly feel the atmosphere of the Roman era, walking through the famous Greco-Roman amphitheater.
We will show you the city of Limassol. Being in the center of the Old City, not far from the Old Port of Limassol, you can walk along the colorful, narrow streets, drink Cypriot coffee, buy memorable souvenirs, and visit a production shop selling natural sea sponge products, olive oil-based cosmetics and other interesting little things.

We will also show you Lefkara Village. This village is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lefkara is known for its handmade lace and silverware. Picturesque stone streets and beautiful Cypriot architecture. This village is the Birthplace of "Lefkaritiko" - a special technique of weaving lace, invented in Cyprus.


  • Take a stroll through the streets of the ancient city of Kourion
  • Touch the frothy water at the Birthplace of Aphrodite
  • Lose yourself in the eclectic styles of Limassol city



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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