Skadar Lake: Explore the nature and national cuisine

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ID: GYG638270-1065436
Land: Montenegro

Duur: 05:00 uren


Explore the enchanting beauty of Skadar Lake National park with our immersive tours. Discover hidden gems and breathtaking landscapes.
During the tour around Skadar Lake National Park, customers will experience a diverse range of attractions and activities.

1. Scenic Boat Ride: Embark on a tranquil boat ride across the pristine waters of Skadar Lake, surrounded by lush greenery and majestic mountains.

2. Bird Watching: Encounter a variety of bird species, including rare pelicans, herons, and cormorants, as Skadar Lake is a haven for birdwatchers.

3. Monastery Visits: Explore ancient monasteries nestled on the shores of the lake, such as Kom Monastery, steeped in history and cultural significance.

4. Village Exploration: Immerse yourself in the traditional way of life by visiting charming villages like Virpazar, where you can interact with locals and sample authentic cuisine.

5. Nature Walks: Embark on guided nature walks through the park's lush forests and wetlands, observing diverse flora and fauna along the way.

6. Photography Opportunities: Capture stunning landscapes, wildlife, and cultural landmarks, with ample opportunities for photography enthusiasts.

7. Swimming and Relaxation: Take a refreshing dip in the crystal-clear waters of the lake or simply unwind on its picturesque shores, surrounded by tranquility.

8. Cultural Experiences: Engage in cultural activities such as traditional music performances or craft demonstrations, providing insights into the region's rich heritage.

Overall, the tour offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural immersion, and outdoor adventure, ensuring an unforgettable experience for all participants.


  • Enjoy magnificent scenery of Skadar Lake National park
  • Try the best flavors of Montenegrin national cuisine
  • Embark on a boat ride along the Skadar lake



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