Tour Mitad del Mundo-Museo del Sol-Termas Papallacta-Guapulo

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ID: GYG661082-1091772
Land: Ecuador

Duur: 10:00 uren


Our all-day Tour, a visit to the Middle of the World Monument in Quito, the Museum of the Sun, the Papallacta Hot Springs and drink a "Canelazo", (traditional drink from Quito), at View Point Guapulo.
We begin the Tour by picking up our tourists at their accommodation in the city of Quito, and we go to the Museo de Sol so they can enjoy 0° Latitude and see the ancestral homes, photos with the Devil Huma and alpaca.
Then we continue to the Monument of La Mitad del Mundo, a complex where you can find the Beer Museum, the Chocolate Museum, the Train and the Great Monument of the Middle of the World, among many other attractions.
Later, we head to lunch so that our tourists can taste typical Ecuadorian food (also for vegetarians).
We head to Papallacta, with many hot and cold pools to relax the body and spirit, there is also hiking.
And at sunset we arrive at Guapulo, a beautiful view to drink a "CANELAZO". We then take our tourists to their accommodation in Quito.


  • Conocer el Centro del Mundo
  • Disfrutar de Aguas Termales
  • Transporte y comida incluida


Traje de Baño para las Termas de Papallacta

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