From Tbilisi: Kazbegi Day Trip with Gergeti Trinity Church

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ID: GYG620611-1036653
Land: Georgië

Duur: 1 dagen


Discover the beauty of the Kazbegi region on a day trip from Tbilisi. Visit the Zhinvali water reservoir, the Ananuri Fortress, the Friendship Monument, and the Gergeti Trinity Church..
Discover the beauty of the Kazbegi region on a guided day trip from Tbilisi. Visit the Zhinvali water reservoir, Ananuri Fortress, and the Friendship Monument. Take a 4WD to the Gergeti Trinity Church and enjoy free time in Stepantsminda.

Start your day with a visit to the Zhinvali water reservoir. Admire the stunning views of the water and surrounding colorful forests. Continue to explore the famous 17th-century Ananuri Fortress, known for its amazing history. Attacked many times throughout the centuries, it still stands strong and attracts each and every guest.

Head up the breathtaking military highway of Georgia to Gudauri, where you’ll see the Friendship Monument. Here you’ll also have a chance to have an unforgettable experience of paragliding over the Caucasus mountains.

Finally, head to Stepantsminda, also known as Kazbegi. Switch to a 4WD off-road car to go up to the stunning Gergeti monastery under the 5047-meter mountain of Kazbegi. Built in the 14th century, Gergeti used to be a secluded monastery. Ever since, there have been monks living here throughout the year, even through the freezing temperatures of -35 degrees Celsius.


  • See the Friendship Monument and enjoy the breathtaking views of the Caucasus
  • Take a 4WD off-road car to the Gergeti Trinity Church, a 14th-century monastery
  • Enjoy a guided tour of the church and learn about the monks who live there



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Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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