Ervaar watervallen en wandel om een paraplurots te zien

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ID: GYG465661-838111
Land: Ghana

Duur: 12:00 uren


Explore waterfalls in Ghana. Oboadaka fall, Asenema fall, Adom fall, Boti falls (also known as the twin waterfalls. Three-in-one pack: the umbrella rock, the three-headed palm tree and, the falls).
Explore Ghana's beauty. Experience major waterfalls in the Eastern part of Ghana including Asenema fall, Oboadaka fall, Adom fall and Boti falls (also known as the twin waterfalls).

Journey will begin from Accra as it is the pick up and drop off location to the listed destinations with departure time to be 7:00am.

After you have been located and picked up, the first destination to visit is the Oboadaka falls which has got a pool beneath the waterfall where you can easily and safely swim.

Followed by an experience at Adom waterfall. Adom Waterfall is a beautiful waterfall which runs on stratified rocks into a clear pool. The falls flows through an amazing forest.

Next stop for another experience will be the Asenema Waterfall. Asenema waterfall feeds a lively little stream nearby. The falls usually has a very good flow in the rainy season. The drive to get to the falls is wonderfully scenic, with beautiful views across the rolling hills that are so typical of the region.

Our final destination for exploration will be at Boti Waterfall. Boti is a seasonal falls is a double side-by-side falls during the high flow and at the bottom of 250 concrete steps. During full flow you are surrounded in a canyon of falling water. It can be found in the forest of Huhunya. The larger one is mythically believed to be the male and the smaller one the female. According to the local folks, when the two merge, a rainbow is formed. It is usually said that these rivers are mating when this happens.

A visit to Boti is actually a three-in-one pack: the umbrella rock, the three-headed palm tree and, of course, the falls themselves. It is the most visited falls in the Eastern Region.


  • Discover the umbrella rock and the three-headed palm tree.
  • Admire the waterfall mystically believed as a male and female.
  • Be transported to experience the beauty of nature.



Hotel pick-up and drop-off

Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


Annulering is niet mogelijk. Als u het toch annuleert of niet komt opdagen op de excursie, wordt u toch de volledige prijs van de activiteit in rekening gebracht en wordt het betaalde bedrag niet terugbetaald.