Bussard Sunset trip

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ID: JOLE5060
Categorie: Dolfijn Horloge , Boottochten , Zien
Land: Spanje

Duur: 04:00 uren

De reisorganisator zal de beschikbaarheid van de activiteit bevestigen alvorens de reservering te aanvaarden.

Prijs vanaf:
35.00 EUR


Sea excursion of approximately 4 hours at noon or at sunset. It includes a reception with cava, delicious tapas (little Spanish appetizers) and refreshments included. You will have goggles to dive at your disposal. Romance, nostalgia and breathtaking views. With our BUSSARD you will sail through the cliffs of La Palma in a comfortable environment. A little stop for snorkeling or for a swim will invite you in to a crystalline sea. Because it has a reduced maximum number of passengers (12 people), there will always be plenty of place to sunbathe or relax in the shade. On board we offer a good menu of tapas which will always be prepared fresh in the kitchen on board of the BUSSARD. Climb on one of the most beautiful boats in the Canaries and enjoy your holidays – it’s going to be a special trip. The tour will be like this: We will meet at the Port of Tazacorte where we will welcome you in the BUSSARD with a nice glass of cava. After a few brief instructions, we will slowly begin to leave the port towards the open sea. From here you can enjoy spectacular views over Tazacorte and the surrounding cliffs. On a gentle course we will head north along the coast. At all times you can move freely on the boat and use the rest places to relax and to sunbathe. A secret site and at the same time the best place of the boat is our bow net in front of the boat in which you will be able to float on the water!!! After about an hour we will arrive at our bath stop where who want will be able to have a nice swim in the crystalline waters of the Atlantic. After another hour we will serve our homemade food, small tapas made from pickles, olives, cheese and fresh chicken prepared on a special grill called “plancha” that we have installed in the kitchen on board. Drinks will obviously be offered throughout the entire tour, so that you want have to miss anything. We will finish our trip 4 hours later getting back to the Port of Tazacorte, making sure that you had the best possible stay within this small group (max 12 people). Included: – Boat trip. – Tapas and soft drinks (alcoholic drinks are not included). – Welcome drink with a glass of cava. – Parking space. – Snorkel and diving tubes are at your disposal. Not included: Arrival to the Port of Tazacorte Alcoholic drinks. Excursion in small groups (max 12 people)


  • Poris de Candelaria
  • Cueva Bonita
  • Cliffs of the North West coast
  • Playa de La Veta
  • Whales and Dolphins


  • English
  • Spanish
  • German

Duration: approx. 4 hours

Trip starts at: 15:30

Don´t forget sun protection

Tour starts at:

Puerto de Tazacorte

La Palma

Kiosko Ocean Explorer


Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


Deze excursie kunt u kosteloos annuleren tot: annuleringstijd voor aanvang van de reis. Bij annulering na: annulering na: annuleringstijd of niet aanwezig zijn op de excursie wordt de volledige prijs van de activiteit alsnog in rekening gebracht. Te laat komen bij het ophalen of vertrekken wordt beschouwd als niet komen opdagen.