BARRANQUILLA: Walking Tour in English/French EL PRADO: Walking around the Golden Gate of Colombia

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ID: GYG660944-1091512
Land: Colombia

Duur: 02:00 uren


A Walking Tour to learn about the city and Colombia while tasting authentic tropical flavours.
Let's walk around one of the most iconic neighborhoods in Colombia: El Prado.
Let's taste some of its tropical flavours and see with your own eyes why it has marked a before and after in the history of this Caribbean city and nation.

1. Parque Los Fundadores - Introduction (20 min):
a place to begin and understand the role of Barranquilla in modern Colombia.

2. Carrera 58 - Let's learn while walking (20 min):
What is the Republican style?
Who was Karl. C Parrish and why is he still so relevant?

3. Hotel El Prado - The Caribbean glamour (10 min):
Why was Barranquilla considered the Golden Gate of Colombia?

4. Nuestra Señora de Lourdes School - The Spanish Legacy (10 min):
How was Barranquilla during the Spanish period?
What was its role during the independence?

5. Parque Tomás Suri Salcedo - Let's have a sweet end! (30 min):
Under almonds trees, enjoying the Caribbean breeze, learning about the great Magdalena river and local fauna, and tasting traditional tropical sweets is how we end our tour.


  • Nice non-touristic area
  • Tropical flavours
  • Authentic local immersion



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