Salt Cathedral Expedition: Unveiling Zipaquirá

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ID: GYG647750-1074025
Land: Colombia

Duur: 08:00 uren


Descend from Bogotá to Zipaquirá's Salt Cathedral. Explore intricate salt sculptures, illuminated pathways, and chambers of history and faith. A journey of wonder awaits!
As you embark on the journey from Bogotá to Zipaquirá's Salt Cathedral, the first thing to capture your attention is the scenic drive through the Colombian countryside, passing lush green landscapes and quaint villages. Upon arrival, you'll be greeted by the imposing entrance to the Salt Cathedral, a marvel of engineering and artistry carved deep into the heart of a salt mine.

Entering the cathedral, you'll be immediately struck by the grandeur of its towering caverns and intricate salt-carved sculptures. As you venture deeper, you'll discover a series of beautifully illuminated chambers, each telling a different story through stunning displays and artworks. From the depiction of the Last Supper to the striking cross-shaped central nave, every corner holds a tale of history and faith.
Your adventure kicks off in Bogotá, where you'll embark on a picturesque journey through Colombia's countryside, bound for Zipaquirá. Upon arrival at the Salt Cathedral, you'll immerse yourself in its mesmerizing depths, marveling at the salt-carved sculptures and illuminated chambers for approximately three hours.

Following this exploration, we'll depart Zipaquirá and head to La Cabaña de Alpina, a renowned destination celebrated for its delectable Colombian milk products. Here, you'll have the opportunity to indulge in freshly made cheeses, yogurts, and other dairy delights, savoring the authentic flavors of the region for about an hour.

After this culinary delight, we'll make our way back to Bogotá, where your journey concludes. In just six hours, you'll have experienced the awe-inspiring beauty of the Salt Cathedral, enjoyed the flavors of Colombia at La Cabaña de Alpina, and returned with cherished memories of a truly unforgettable day.


  • Exclusive Alpina visit: Taste Colombia's finest dairy.
  • Deep Salt Cathedral exploration: Unique underground journey.
  • Unforgettable memories: Immersive cultural adventure awaits.



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