Mini Gobi and Ancient Capital Trip

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ID: GYG661139-1091996
Land: Mongolië

Duur: 2 dagen


Embark on a 2-day Silk Road journey in Central Mongolia. Explore the ancient capital Kharakhorum, meet nomadic families, ride camels over the dunes, and stay in traditional Mongolian Ger (yurt).
Embark on a captivating 2-day journey through the heart of Mongolia's cultural and natural wonders.

Day 1:
Our adventure begins with a 9:00 am hotel pickup, setting off for the enchanting ElsenTasarkhai. Enjoy a delicious lunch before experiencing the thrill of a 1-hour camel ride through the dunes and immerse yourself in nomadic life with a visit to a local family. Continuing our journey, we head to Kharkhorin, the ancient capital, to explore the intriguing Ancient States Landmark. Rest and recharge at a cozy ger camp in Kharkhorin, and enjoy your first night in a traditional Mongolian ger(yurt).

Day 2:
After breakfast, delve deeper into Mongolia's rich heritage with visits to the Kharkhorin Museum and the Erdenezuu Monastery. Marvel at ancient artifacts and immerse yourself in the spiritual ambiance of the monastery. As our journey comes to a close, we enjoy a leisurely lunch in Kharkhorin before embarking on our return journey to Ulaanbaatar. Reflect on the memories made as we arrive back in the city, concluding our unforgettable Mongolian adventure.


  • Kharkhorin Museum visit
  • Erdenezuu Monastery visit
  • Camel riding experience
  • Nomad family visit
  • Hike over the sand dunes



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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