Maputo: Highlights Tour with Local Beer Tasting

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ID: GYG460879-824411
Land: Mozambique


Explore Maputo with professional and knowledgeble tour guides who will not only explain the history of the city and country, but also entertain you with stories of local people through the main stops.
Enjoy a half day tour through Maputo city center. We will meet up at the fort Our Lady of Conception to start off our tour and learn about the Resistance of the Gaza Empire, our next stop is the third-ranked train station by Times Magazine and we learn about its history and we also visit its gorgeous museum and next to the station, is the longest suspension bridge in Africa. The third point is the colorful Mosque located on the oldest part of the city. The mosque is located in area where Indians used to live during the Lourenço Marques Time. Behind the mosque are mural painted by Coana which give the area a fresh look, not only that, but also see some interesting bars and we stop at one of them to try local beer. The central market is good place to try locally procuded fruit and have an idea of what Mozambicans eat on a daily basis. The Tunduro Gardens is another interesting place to be, the main atraction being fruit bats hanging on trees. Last by not least is the famous Iron House designed by the Famous Architect Gustav Eiffel. We learn about this house and stop at Gallery located inside the house.


  • Discover Maputo unique Architecture and history on this walking tour of Maputo.
  • Be transported to ancient Maputo as you stroll through the city main highlights.
  • Savor local drinks and fruit and learn about our culture and traditions.



The meeting is under the tree outside the Fort.

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