Kathmandu: Chandragiri Cable Car and Monkey Temple Tour Chandragiri Cable Car and Monkey Temple Tour in Kathmandu

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ID: GYG607052-1020471
Land: Nepal

Duur: 05:00 uren


Explore the guided must-visit places of Kathmandu, including a popular hill station, Chandragiri Hills, & a UNESCO world heritage site, Swoyambhunath Stupa, with religious and historical significance.
Embarking on a tour that combines the Chandragiri cable car and Monkey Temple (Swayambhunath) promises an enriching experience blending cultural heritage with stunning panoramic views. The journey begins with a sceneric ride on the Chandragiri Cable Car, offering unparalleled vistas of lush valleys, terraced fields, and the majestic Himalayan range. As you ascend, the landscapes transforms, unveiling the beauty of the Kathmandu valley from a bird’s eye perspective.

Upon reaching Chandragiri Hill’s summit, visitors are greeted by the serene ambiance of the Bhaleshwor Mahadev Temple, where Hindu devotees pay homage to Lord Shiva. The panoramic viewpoint provides an awe-inspiring backdrop for capturing memorable photographs and soaking in the tranquility of the surroundings.

Following the descent, the tour continues to the Monkey Temple, an iconic Buddhist stupa perched atop a hill overlooking Kathmandu valley. As you climb the stairway adorned with colorful prayers flags, encounter playful monkeys and immerse yourself in the spiritual ambiance of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Explore the intricate architecture, prayer wheels, and sacred shrines while taking in the panoramic views of the bustling city below.
Concluding the tour, unwind and reflect on the day’s adventures while enjoying a moment of peace amidst the spiritual atmosphere and breathtaking vistas of the Monkey Temple before heading back to Kathmandu, enriched by the culture and natural wonders experienced throughout the day.


  • Enjoy the beautiful Kathmandu city along with the spectacular views of mountains
  • Delve into the cultural and hsitorical marvels of the Swoyambhunath Stupa
  • Quench your thirst for adrenaline with the adventurous activities, like zipline



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