From Cajamarca: Porcón and Otuzco

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ID: GYG671801-1107400
Land: Peru

Duur: 1 dagen


Porcon and Otuzco are two charming destinations located in the Cajamarca region, offering visitors the opportunity to connect with natural beauty and experience the authenticity of Peruvian life.
Huambochanca: The visit begins at one of the artisan quarrying centers distinguished by its beautiful stone works carved in quartz, onyx-marble, granite, etc. Porcon Farm: It is one of the few existing agricultural cooperatives in Peru, known as "Granja Porcon", you will visit the minizoo, the largest pine forest in Peru, and taste dairy products. Ventanillas de Otuzco: Las Ventanillas necropolis of Otuzco (funerary buildings that by their shape seem to be windows) Suspension Bridge: You can appreciate the landscape and greenery of Cajamarca. you will share the
adventure of crossing the hanging bridge Otuzco Hydrangea Garden: You will appreciate a beautiful garden where you can find a variety of hydrangeas, as well as native plants and Cajamarcan handicrafts. Hacienda 3 Molinos: Finally, you will be able to appreciate the process of elaboration of dairy products, it will provide a space for tasting and purchase of the products.


  • Porcon and Otuzco : two unmissable destinations in Cajamarca.
  • Travel to the serenity of Porcon and the spectacular Llacanora, Cajamarca.
  • Discover the magic of nature in Porcon and Otuzco, Cajamarca.



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Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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