Warsaw: Self-Guided Outdoor Escape GameSelf-Guided Outdoor Escape Game

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ID: GYG491880-871361
Land: Polen

Duur: 02:00 uren


Experience an exciting time travel challenge in Warsaw's vibrant city life. As you solve the mystery of a 25-year-old murder, you will discover the city's fascinating corners in a unique way.
Take an exciting journey into the past and slip into the role of time-travelling detectives. Your task is to identify a dangerous serial killer hiding among a group of prisoners. Fate plays a highly explosive game, because if the killer is not identified within the next few hours, he will be released into freedom. The task? Travel 25 years into the past and set out to find the culprit.

While solving the mysteries of this thrilling case, the mission will take you to the fascinating historical sights of Warsaw. Get to know the Royal Castle, Marketplace, Opera Narodowa, St. John Cathedral and Teatr Wielkifrom a completely new perspective. Solve tricky puzzles, combine clues and learn surprising and curious facts about the surroundings - information that cannot be found in any travel guide.

The adventure usually lasts two to three hours, but you are not bound to a fixed schedule. Enjoy the freedom to go at your own pace and experience the day to the full.

Whether you play together or split into smaller groups and teams for an exciting competition, this game is ideal for anyone looking for a varied day out in Warsaw. It combines an exciting walk with breathtaking sights and relaxing breaks to create an outdoor escape game experience that packs a punch. Can you master this challenging mission? Will you uncover the truth? Embark on an exciting adventure!


  • Discover iconic landmarks like the Church of St. Peter or Vienna State Opera
  • Dive into a thrilling mystery crime story set in the past
  • Solve tricky, nested puzzles
  • Experience sightseeing through an engaging escape game
  • Enjoy a unique mix of a historical tour and treasure hunt



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


Annulering is niet mogelijk. Als u het toch annuleert of niet komt opdagen op de excursie, wordt u toch de volledige prijs van de activiteit in rekening gebracht en wordt het betaalde bedrag niet terugbetaald.