Menorca: Gessamí Banys Arabs Spa Entrance Arabian bath with 15 minutes massage or exfoliation (Kessa)

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ID: GYG660620-O-1091008
Land: Spanje

Duur: 01:15 uren


Experience the tranquility of a traditional Arabian bath, a sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation. Opt for an additional massage or full-body exfoliation for an enhanced indulgence.
Embark on a journey of serenity with our Arabian bath experience. This private session, reminiscent of traditional Arabian baths, invites you to unwind in a peaceful environment. The warm, soothing waters serve as the perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation, allowing you to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

For those seeking an extra layer of indulgence, enhance your experience with an optional massage. Choose between a soothing oil massage, focusing on your legs or back, or the Kessa, a full-body exfoliation performed with a special glove. This unique addition to your bath experience allows for further relaxation, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.


  • Immerse in traditional Arabian bath relaxation rituals.
  • Personalize your spa journey with optional massages.
  • Enjoy an exclusive, tranquil environment for ultimate relaxation.



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