Alanya:Village Tour With 4x4 Jeep Include Lunch At Dim River Alanya: Village Tour with Lunch at Dim River

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ID: GYG636827-1058530
Land: Turkije

Duur: 08:00 uren


Embark on a thrilling off-road adventure through the Taurus Mountains on a village tour from Alanya. Enjoy a swim in the Dim River and a delicious lunch of grilled fish or chicken.
Explore the beautiful landscapes of Turkey on an off-road adventure in Alanya. Drive through the Taurus Mountains, visit the picturesque Old Arabic Village, and enjoy a refreshing swim in the crystal-clear waters in dim river. Savor a delicious lunch of grilled fish or chicken.

Start with a pickup from your hotel in Alanya and be driven to the starting point. Get a briefing on the safety measures and be given the necessary equipment, before you set off on your adventure.

Experience the thrill of driving on bumpy roads, through dusty tracks, and over rocky terrain, all while surrounded by the beautiful scenery of Turkey. Stop at the old arabic viiage and enjoy the beautifull gözleme from locals. from there go to picturesque Dim River. Here, take a refreshing swim in the crystal-clear waters, relax on the riverbank, and enjoy a delicious lunch of grilled fish or chicken.

Throughout the tour, be accompanied by experienced guides who will provide you with interesting information about the local flora and fauna, as well as the history and culture of the region.


  • Feel the thrill of off-road driving as you explore the Taurus Mountains
  • Discover the village life and see the famous banana and orange gardens
  • Take a refreshing swim in the crystal-clear waters of the Dim River
  • Enjoy a delicious lunch of grilled fish or chicken at the Dim River
  • Admire the stunning views of the Mediterranean from the highest point



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