Kusadasi Aqua Fantasy Waterpark Entrance Ticket

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ID: GYG337606-601941
Land: Turkije

Duur: 07:00 uren


Create unforgettable memories in Turkey's famous Aqua Fantasy Waterpark. Enjoy a variety of water slides, a wave pool, and more!
If it's thrills and spills you're looking for, Aqua Fantasy Waterpark promises plenty. Located near Ephesus, this 5-star resort is considered among Kusadasi's top family attractions.

Choose amongst a wide range of rides and slides–—with activities and entertainment for all ages. Daredevils can plunge down the Black Hole Tunnel, spin ‘round the Space Bowl or take the ultimate white-knuckle experience on the X-Treme, a super-steep slide that shoots you down at heart-thumping speed.

Children can make a beeline for the mini-fountains and chutes of the kids' pool while the family can enjoy the more relaxing side of the park. There's an enormous wave pool, a hot tub area, and even a Disney-style castle. For adult relaxation, there is also a range of restaurants, a swim-up bar and plenty of sunbeds for you to enhance your tan.


  • Visit one of Turkey's largest & most exiciting waterparks
  • Enjoy white-knuckle rides
  • Take your little ones to the wave pool, mini-fountains, and chutes
  • Perfect full-day for the entire family



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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