Marmaris: Pamukkale Full-Day Tour with Breakfast and Lunch

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ID: GYG637724-1059708
Land: Turkije

Duur: 13:00 uren


Discover the natural wonder of Pamukkale and ancient city of Hierapolis on a day trip from Marmaris. Enjoy a breakfast buffet and restaurant lunch, and take an invigorating dip in the thermal pools.
Discover the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Pamukkale and Hierapolis on a full-day tour from Marmaris. Enjoy a guided tour of the ancient city of Hierapolis, feel the healing properties of the thermal pools of Pamukkale, and enjoy a delicious lunch.

Start your day with a pickup from your hotel in Marmaris and sit back and relax on the drive to Pamukkale. Stop for a delicious open buffet breakfast in Mugla as you enjoy a typical Turkish breakfast with boiled eggs, cheese, tomatoes, different kinds of olives, butter, honey, different kinds of jams, and fresh Turkish bread.

Continue to Pamukkale and Hierapolis and take a guided tour of the ancient city of Hierapolis. Walk through the remains of the city with your guide and learn about the history of the site.

Next, head to the thermal pools of Pamukkale and take a dip in the mineral-rich waters. Enjoy free time to explore the white cliffs of Pamukkale and take a dip in the hot thermal waters.

After your swim, stop for an open buffet lunch at a restaurant in Pamukkale. Feast on a variety of cold starters, main course options, vegetarian food, sweets, fruits, and fresh Turkish bread.

Finally, relax on the drive back to Marmaris to be dropped off back at your hotel.


  • Discover the ancient city of Hierapolis and the natural wonder of Pamukkale
  • Enjoy a delicious open buffet breakfast and lunch at a local restaurant
  • Learn about the process of making onyx and buy souvenirs at a factory shop
  • Take a refreshing dip in the thermal pools of Pamukkale and Cleopatra's Pool
  • Explore the ruins of Hierapolis and learn about the city history from your guide



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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