Berat 4x4 Off-Road & Vineyard Wine Tasting

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ID: GYG675202-1113088
Land: Albanië

Duur: 05:00 uren


Taste the Local wines at Malinat village, known as the village of vineyards.Our adventure begins in Berat, where we'll traverse the rolling hills of olives and vineyards in a 4x4 expedition.
Embark on an journey through the picturesque Malinat village, renowned for its sprawling vineyards spanning over 100 hectares. Our adventure begins in Berat, where we'll traverse the rolling hills of olives and vineyards in a 4x4 expedition. Along the way, soak in panoramas of lush landscapes.

After an hour-long excursion, we arrive at Kantina Vila Hadaj, a charming local winery nestled in the heart of Malinat village. Here, the welcoming family members will regale us with tales of their winemaking heritage. Indulge your senses with a tasting of three exquisite wines, accompanied by the smooth flavors of local raki and traditional snacks.

This immersive experience offers a glimpse into the rich culture and flavors of Albania's winemaking traditions.Join us for a journey of discovery and delight in the rustic beauty of Malinat village.


  • Discover the stunning beauty of the Berat countryside
  • Visit a local winery and enjoy a wine tasting
  • Enjoy the sublime panoramic views along the way
  • Traverse Hill on a 4x4 jourrney



We will meet you at this location or at our office

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