From Nassau: Exuma Full Day Tour

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ID: GYG681636-1121358
Land: Bahamas

Duur: 08:00 uren


Embark on a luxury boat to interact with swimming pigs, snorkel historic sites, and support marine life.
Set sail on a grand adventure where luxury meets the wild beauty of the Exumas. Your journey commences at the inviting storefront, complete with refreshments and an assortment of breakfast treats. Once aboard a deluxe performance vessel, you're whisked away to a world of exhilarating experiences and breathtaking sights.

Your itinerary brims with unforgettable encounters: feed the ancient Rock Iguanas of Allen Cay, snorkel amidst the underwater relics of Pablo Escobar's sunken plane, and marvel at the dazzling underwater ecosystem at the Sea Aquarium. A heartwarming meeting with Big Major Cay's charming swimming pigs awaits, followed by a delightful Bahamian feast with views over Black Point Emerald Bay. The thrill peaks as you swim alongside the docile Nurse Sharks of Compass Cay.

As the day unwinds, find serenity on a secluded sandbar or beach, where the soft sands and lapping waves provide a tranquil end to an action-packed day. Each moment spent on this tour not only promises excitement but also contributes to the preservation of these natural wonders as a portion of all proceeds are dedicated to marine conservation.


  • Feed Exuma's Rock Iguanas
  • Snorkel at a historic plane crash site
  • Swim with the famous Exuma pigs



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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