Battambang bamboo Train Private Full-Day Tour from Siem Reap

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ID: GYG676830-1115037
Land: Cambodja

Duur: 12:00 uren


Discover the city of Battambang and visit a rice paper factory; experience the famous bamboo train ride; and see the Ek Phnom Temple from Siem Reap on this day tour.
Discover Battambang, the capital of Battambang province, on a day tour from Siem Reap. Explore off the beaten path, visit the Psa Nat market, and take the bamboo train through the countryside.
Begin your tour with a comfortable hotel pickup in Siem Reap and head to Battambang. Once you arrive, visit the ancient Ek Phnom Temple, dating from Angkorian times. Marvel at its massive white stone Buddha statue before heading to the Rice Paper Local Factory.
After learning the importance of rice paper and how it is made, stop in the Psa Nat market and grab a bite. Once you've tried all the traditional foods, head to the old colonial buildings that housed the governor. See traditional costumes and historic photographs.
Next, experience the famous bamboo train ride. Sit back and relax as you ride through the countryside and past local villages.
Finish your tour of Battambang with a visit to Phnom Sompov (Sompov Mountain). Watch millions of bats leave the cave during the beautiful sunset before returning to your Seim Reap hotel.


  • Best of Battambang Day Tours from Siem Reap
  • See Battambang city's graceful French colonial architecture
  • Visit the Governor's House and Iconiciconic Statue of Battambang.
  • A fun and friendly, experienced English-speaking guide throughout the trip
  • Watch Battambang Bat Caves, Phnom Sampeou



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


Deze excursie kunt u kosteloos annuleren tot: annuleringstijd voor aanvang van de reis. Bij annulering na: annulering na: annuleringstijd of niet aanwezig zijn op de excursie wordt de volledige prijs van de activiteit alsnog in rekening gebracht. Te laat komen bij het ophalen of vertrekken wordt beschouwd als niet komen opdagen.