Beijing : Private custom tour with a local guide 6 Hours Walking Tour

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ID: GYG469001-O-836466
Land: China

Duur: 06:00 uren


Explore Beijing alongside a local guide! Let him show you all there is to know about the city, the iconic places and the history but also some nice places to eat during this private walking tour.
Pekin can sometimes feel inaccessible to foreign visitors. Take the mystery out of your visit by exploring with a local on a private, customized tour. Your guide contacts you beforehand to get a feel for your interests and tastes to ensure that you only visit the places you are interested in. As you explore the city, your guide shares insights into local life forming a clearer picture of Beijing's culture.

- Private tour for just you and your group
- Your guide customizes your tour to your interests and personality
- Get a deeper insight into Beijing life than possible alone
- See Beijing through the eyes of a local and discover its hidden gems

Choose from 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8-hour tour options.


  • Get to know Beijing through the eyes of a knowledgeable local Guide
  • See the main tourist sights you want to see as well as discovering areas, venues
  • Private and customizable walking tour
  • Benefit from your guide’s familiarity with the area that interests you
  • Get lots of valuable advice from your guide about other things to do in the city



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


Deze excursie kunt u kosteloos annuleren tot: annuleringstijd voor aanvang van de reis. Bij annulering na: annulering na: annuleringstijd of niet aanwezig zijn op de excursie wordt de volledige prijs van de activiteit alsnog in rekening gebracht. Te laat komen bij het ophalen of vertrekken wordt beschouwd als niet komen opdagen.