From Bogotá: Guatavita town and Suesca Stones. From Bogotá: Guatavita and Suesca Rocks.

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ID: GYG648092-1073910
Land: Colombia

Duur: 06:00 uren


Discover the cultural richness of Guatavita and experience the thrill of climbing the majestic Rocks of Suesca. An unforgettable journey awaits, combining the best of Colombia's culture and adventure!
During this activity, we're going to explore two awesome places: Guatavita and Suesca.

In Guatavita, we'll dive into the history and pre-Columbian culture of the region. We'll take a stroll through the picturesque town of Guatavita, with its cobblestone streets and colonial atmosphere. Here, we'll hear the fascinating story of El Dorado and the significance of the Guatavita Lagoon for the ancient Muisca people. Additionally, we'll make a quick visit to the Tomine Reservoir viewpoint, where you'll have the chance to take some great photos and enjoy the stunning views.

Then, we'll head to Suesca, the rock climbing paradise in Colombia. As we approach the Rocks of Suesca, you'll be impressed by the towering stone cliffs in the distance. Climbing enthusiasts will have the opportunity to test their skills on the climbing routes, while those who prefer a more relaxed experience can enjoy hikes and breathtaking views.

Throughout the trip, we'll be accompanied by knowledgeable guides who will share insights into the history, culture, and geology of these locations. Additionally, we'll sample delicious Colombian cuisine and meet the locals.

This activity promises pure adventure, culture, and nature – an unforgettable experience in two of the most incredible places in Colombia! Get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime! Let's make the most of this opportunity!


  • Learn about the history of Guatavita and the Suesca rocks.
  • If you want to climb in Suesca, you can do it, it will be unforgettable.
  • Our expert guides will provide you with all the information you need to know.



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