From Quito: Otavalo-Ponchos Square-Peguche Waterfall-Museum Tour Otavalo

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ID: GYG594440-1017659
Land: Ecuador

Duur: 1 dagen


Otavalo is a town in the Imbabura Province of Ecuador, is renowned for its indigenous population, who are known for their rich cultural heritage and traditional textile craftsmanship.
One of the most famous attractions in Otavalo is the Otavalo Market, which takes place in the town's central square, Plaza de los Ponchos. This market is one of the largest and most well-known indigenous markets in South America. It is a vibrant and colorful place where local artisans and vendors sell a wide variety of handmade crafts, textiles, jewelry, clothing, and traditional Ecuadorian products. The market is a significant hub for tourists seeking authentic and locally-produced souvenirs.

The Peguche Waterfall is a beautiful waterfall located near the town of Otavalo. It is a popular natural attraction known for its scenic beauty and cultural significance. The waterfall has an approximate height of 18 meters (59 feet). There is a trail leading from the entrance of the park to the base of the waterfall, allowing visitors to enjoy a walk and experience the waterfall up close, in addition to the waterfall, there are trails that wind through a natural park surrounding the area. This park is known for its lush vegetation and provides a peaceful environment for walking and enjoying nature.
Visitors can appreciate both the natural beauty of the waterfall and the spiritual and cultural aspects associated with it.

You are welcome to visit our simple workshop Tahuantinsuyo for a free demonstration of the authentic art of backstrap weaving. Enjoy hands-on participation and learn a bit of our craft.


  • This market is one of the largest indigenous markets in South America
  • Visitors can appreciate both the natural beauty of the waterfall
  • Workshop Tahuantinsuyo for a free demonstration
  • Pick up at your currency location
  • Traditional Snack included



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