3 Days Harar Stroll through the walled city of Harar

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ID: GYG675360-1113262
Land: Ethiopië

Duur: 3 dagen


The city is known for its maze like alleys and traditional houses decorated inside with flat hanging baskets.its famous array of markets, the famous Hyena Men, ancient paintings
Day 1: Addis Ababa – Harar

Fly from Addis Ababa to Dire Dawa on Ethiopian Airlines. Continue by vehicle from Dire Dawa to Harar. Stroll through the 16th century walled city of Harar, the fourth most important city in the Islamic World. See the home of Arthur Rimbuad, renowned French poet who worked and lived in Harar as a “gun-runner” during the 19th century.

Day 2: Harar

Visit the colorful Islamic market. Tour the National and Harari museums and the house of Ras Mekonnen (father of Haile Selassie.) In the evening see the “Hyena Man” feeding the hyenas that gather nightly outside the town.

Day 3: Harar – Addis Ababa

Morning visit to the colorful Islamic Market. Drive from Harar to Dire Dawa. Fly to Addis Ababa. Visit the National Museum, home of the 3 million year old skeleton “Lucy.” Optional souvenir shopping. Enjoy a farewell dinner at a traditional Ethiopian restaurant featuring dancers and musicians representing some of the country's many ethnic groups. Transfer to airport for late night departure or additional hotel night booked upon request.


  • Interact with local Harari people's learning they culture and traditions
  • The core of society is built around kinship, friendship, community organizations
  • known as being the fourth Holy city of Islam contained 99 mosques & 103 shrines



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