Jakarta Tour :Beautiful Miniature Glorious Park of Indonesia

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ID: GYG664497-1097358
Land: Indonesië

Duur: 1 dagen


Miniature Park The hightlight of this area is the houses from indonesian provinces within more than 34 in 100 Hectares area such west sumatra, west kalimantan, sulawesi, papua, bali and Java.
In this tour you will see the miniature park of indonesia. Miniature Park The hightlight of this area is the houses from indonesian provinces within more than 34 in 100 Hectares area such west sumatra, west kalimantan, north sulawesi, papua, souteast sulawesi, bali and Java. Batik shop one of place to buy indonesian souvenirs as the indonesia identity. Monument National Design by Indonesian as landmark of Jakarta in symbolizing independent, and there is president palace outside see. Istiqlal Mosque and Chatedral are the harmonism symbol.


  • only one place you can get Know How About Indonesia
  • Miniature Park Of Indonesia Is Amazing Houses for Culture, And Know History.
  • Miniature Park The hightlight of this area is the house from indonesian province



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