Kingston: Bob Marley Museum Tour from Montego Bay

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ID: GYG405592-736514
Land: Jamaica

Duur: 09:00 uren


Visit The Bob Marley Museum, the former home of the reggae legend with transfers. See the rich memories and treasured mementos of this great Jamaican and outstanding musician.
Enter the Museum and allow us to envelop you with the sights and sounds of Bob, as you take a guided tour of this Jamaican Heritage site. Your friendly, charming and knowledgeable guides will escort you through the grounds, which include the Main House, Exhibition Hall, Theatre, Gift Shop and Café.

All the original rooms have been kept as they were when Bob lived here to ensure authenticity. The displays include a life size 3-dimensional hologram of Brother Bob from the One Love Peace Concert in 1978, his Grammy Lifetime Achievement award, his personal Recording Studio, his bedroom, favourite clothing, a vast array of Gold and Platinum Records received from all around the World, as well as the costumes of his back-up singers, the I-Threes.

The air conditioned Theatre boasts modern state-of-the-art projection equipment, where live performances of Bob are highlighted to each guided tour, the “One Love Café” serves some of Bob’s favourite recipes and juices, and you will find a variety of Bob Marley souvenir items available at the Bob Marley Gift Shop.


  • Immerse yourself in the life of Bob Marley
  • Learn about the history of reggae and how this musician added his own flare to the music
  • See the many treasures left behind by the legendary musician
  • Relax with transfers to and from your hotel



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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