Montego Bay: Cannabis Farm, Bamboo Rafting, & Foot Massage From Falmouth or Trelawny

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ID: GYG609796-O-1067619
Land: Jamaica

Duur: 04:00 uren


Blend culture, adventure, and relaxation as you visit a marijuana farm, go bamboo rafting, and get a unique foot massage. Enjoy hotel transfers from select areas in the northwestern part of the island.
Embark on a distinctive and memorable journey in Montego Bay, Jamaica, where you can delve into the island's culture, nature, and relaxation with a visit to a marijuana farm, bamboo rafting, and a limestone foot massage. Start with pickup from select accommodations in the northwestern region of the island.

Begin your adventure with a visit to a local marijuana farm. Gain insight into Jamaica's renowned cannabis culture. Learn about the cultivation process, from planting to harvesting, and discover the medicinal and cultural significance of this plant.

Engage with guides who share stories and traditions surrounding marijuana in Jamaica, providing a fascinating and educational experience. After immersing yourself in Jamaica's cultural heritage, transition to a serene bamboo rafting excursion on one of Montego Bay's picturesque rivers.

Drift along tranquil waters aboard a traditional bamboo raft, guided by locals who navigate the gentle currents with skill and expertise. Take in the lush greenery, vibrant flora, and abundant wildlife that line the riverbanks, offering a peaceful and immersive connection to nature.

Conclude your day with a luxurious limestone foot massage, a pampering experience that leaves you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Settle into a comfortable chair overlooking the tranquil surroundings as skilled therapists use warm limestone sourced from the island's hills to massage and soothe tired feet.

Let go of stress and tension as you indulge in this therapeutic treatment, allowing the natural healing properties of limestone to nourish your body and soul. Return to your pickup point with unforgettable memories of Montego Bay.


  • Delve into Jamaica's rich cannabis culture with a visit to a marijuana farm
  • Glide serenely down the picturesque Lethe River on a traditional bamboo raft
  • Indulge in a luxurious foot massage using warm limestone sourced from the island
  • Delve into Jamaica's facinating cannabis heritage with the help of a local guide
  • Enjoy the included hotel transfer service to select areas around Montego Bay



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