Kumano Brush Factory Tour and Brush-Making Experience Round or Rose Shape Brush (Short Handle) Workshop

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ID: GYG626457-1044267
Land: Japan

Duur: 45 min.


Discover the art of making a Kumano brush on a factory tour and workshop. Learn about the history of the Kumano brush and the art of brush-making.
Visit the Koyudo Makeup Brush Workshop in Kumano Town. Tour the factory where Kumano brushes are made, and take part in an experience where you can make your own Kumano brush.

Enjoy a factory tour that takes and a brush-making experience that takes around 45 minutes. Purchase Koyudo’s Kumano brush products such as the heart-shaped cheek brush from the store attached to the factory.

Come to know the “Kumano Brush,” a specialty product of Hiroshima, through the factory tour and the brush-making experience. In the especially popular brush-making experience, try your hand at making brushes of various kinds and sizes, like a round brush tip shaped like a rose.

Engrave words such as your own name (English names compatible) into the brush handle, and take home a unique souvenir of your trip to Hiroshima.


  • Discover the art of making a Kumano brush on a factory tour and workshop
  • Learn about the history of the Kumano brush and the art of brush-making
  • Create a one-of-a-kind Kumano brush that is exclusively yours to keep
  • Try your hand at making brushes of various kinds and sizes



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