From Osaka/Kyoto:Private Kyoto-Nara Day Tour From Osaka/Kyoto:Private Kyoto~Nara Day Trip Tour

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ID: GYG658721-1088529
Land: Japan

Duur: 10:00 uren


Our tour promises an unforgettable exploration of Japan's rich heritage and natural splendor. Explore UNESCO heritage Kiyomizudera, Fushimi Tori gates in Kyoto. Touch and feed nodding deer in Nara
Exploring Kyoto and Nara in Japan makes for a fantastic cultural journey! Both cities are rich in history, temples, and natural beauty. Here's a suggested itinerary for a one-day tour:

Kinkaku-ji (The Golden Pavilion):
Start your day early to beat the crowds at this iconic temple.
Enjoy the serene atmosphere and take in the breathtaking sight of the golden pavilion reflected in the pond.
Arashiyama Bamboo Grove:
Head to Arashiyama to experience the tranquil bamboo forest.
Take a leisurely stroll through the towering bamboo stalks, which create a unique ambiance.
Tenryu-ji Temple:
Adjacent to the bamboo grove is Tenryu-ji Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Explore the temple's serene gardens, which offer stunning views of the surrounding mountains.
Stop by a local restaurant to enjoy some traditional Kyoto cuisine, such as kaiseki or tofu dishes.
Fushimi Inari Taisha:
Visit one of Kyoto's most iconic sights, Fushimi Inari Taisha.
Walk through thousands of vibrant torii gates that wind through the forested hillside.
Nara Park:
Travel to Nara and start your visit at Nara Park.
Encounter friendly deer roaming freely throughout the park and perhaps feed them deer crackers, which are sold at various stalls.
Todai-ji Temple:
Explore Todai-ji Temple, home to the Great Buddha (Daibutsu), one of the largest bronze statues of Buddha in Japan.
Marvel at the massive wooden structure of the temple's main hall, which houses the Great Buddha.
Kasuga Taisha Shrine:
Conclude your tour with a visit to Kasuga Taisha Shrine, known for its beautiful vermilion-lacquered buildings and countless stone lanterns.
Take a peaceful stroll through the shrine's forested surroundings.


  • Hotel pick up and drop off
  • Private transportation
  • Driver/Host and greet
  • Refreshments



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