Osaka Authentic Tempura & Miso Soup Japan Cooking Class

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ID: GYG489913-868708
Land: Japan

Duur: 03:00 uren


I'll be your personal chef coach and I'll teaching you Michelin-grade Japanese dishes to bring back home. Enjoy cooking Tempura and Miso soup start from scratch!
All produce will be sourced grassroots from our local community and based on what best quality in season.

The cooking course will be set on location at a peaceful century-old handcrafted home. You will be cooking surrounded by bonsai & local food bowl gardens and Shinto shrines.

What you will be learning:

1. Tempura Don-Buri

Translated as 'Rice and Tempura Combo.'
For Tempura Don first comes the yummy sauce.
This is where I’ll show you my secret izakaya technique to making Tempura scrumptiously crunchy.

2. Akadashi Miso Soup

My class aims to recreate miso soup in the most authentic and traditional way.

It is achieved by carefully shaving the dried bonito fish using handcrafted shaving equipment. Something that most Japanese locals have never experienced before.

By this method we ensure the miso soup is alive with true Umami flavours.

3. Napa Cabbage Coleslaw

A zesty dish to balance tie it off using a combination of lemon, cabbage and cider vinegar using Japanese pickle hand technique learned working at the Michelin-rated kitchen.

4. Lunch
Let's appreciate our self-made set meal over lunch and a opportunity to share our culture, language and overall good vibes.


  • learn Japanese signature cuisine with Chef Yuki
  • Shaving bonito flakes start from block
  • Bring back high cooking skill to your country



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


Annulering is niet mogelijk. Als u het toch annuleert of niet komt opdagen op de excursie, wordt u toch de volledige prijs van de activiteit in rekening gebracht en wordt het betaalde bedrag niet terugbetaald.