Day trip lake Naivasha and Hells gate

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ID: GYG653539-1081500
Land: Kenia

Duur: 08:00 uren


"Discover Hell's Gate & Lake Naivasha: Hike, bike, and boat amidst breathtaking landscapes. Picnic lunch, wildlife encounters, and optional activities await!"
Experience the wonders of Kenya's natural beauty with a captivating day tour from Nairobi to Hell's Gate National Park and Lake Naivasha. Departing from the bustling city, this adventure-filled journey promises breathtaking landscapes, thrilling wildlife encounters, and moments of tranquility by the serene shores of Lake Naivasha. Join us for a day of exploration and discovery in the heart of Kenya's Great Rift Valley.
6:00 AM: Departure from Nairobi
Your day begins with an early morning departure from Nairobi. Hop aboard our comfortable transport, equipped with knowledgeable guides who will provide insights into the region's history, culture, and wildlife as we make our way towards our first destination.

9:00 AM: Arrival at Hell's Gate National Park
Upon arrival at Hell's Gate, you'll be greeted by towering cliffs, rugged gorges, and geothermal activity that gives the park its name. Spend the morning exploring this unique landscape on foot or by bicycle. Hike through the gorge, marveling at the imposing rock formations and vibrant bird-life, or cycle along the park's trails, enjoying the freedom to explore at your own pace.

11:30 PM: Picnic Lunch
After working up an appetite, we'll enjoy a picnic lunch amidst the stunning scenery of Hell's Gate. Relax and soak in the natural beauty surrounding you as you savor a delicious meal prepared with fresh, local ingredients.

11:30 PM: Transfer to Lake Naivasha
Following lunch, we'll depart for the nearby Lake Naivasha, one of Kenya's largest freshwater lakes and a haven for diverse wildlife. Keep your eyes peeled for giraffes, zebras, and antelopes as we journey through the picturesque countryside.

2:30 PM: Boat Safari on Lake Naivasha
Arriving at Lake Naivasha, embark on a tranquil boat safari across the shimmering waters of the lake. Glide past lush papyrus swamps and floating islands as you search for hippos wallowing in the shallows and an array of bird species, including fish eagles and pelicans. Your experienced guide will share fascinating insights into the lake's ecosystem and its inhabitants.

3:30 PM: Optional Activities
After the boat safari, you'll have the opportunity to explore further or simply relax by the lakeshore. Optional activities include guided nature walks along the lake's edge, birdwatching excursions, or visiting nearby Crescent Island Game Sanctuary for a guided walking safari amidst herds of wildebeest, giraffes, and more.

4:00 PM: Return to Nairobi
As the day draws to a close, we'll begin our journey back to Nairobi, reflecting on the unforgettable experiences and memories created during our day in the Great Rift Valley.

6:30 PM: Arrival in Nairobi
Arrive back in Nairobi in the evening, where our day tour concludes. Depart with a deeper appreciation for Kenya's natural wonders and the diverse ecosystems that make it such a remarkable destination.


  • Explore the dramatic landscapes of Hell's Gate National Park
  • Enjoy the freedom to explore Hell's Gate on car or by bicycle
  • Indulge in a delicious picnic lunch amidst the stunning scenery of Hell's Gate
  • Wildlife Spotting



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