Experience Parasailing, Tube Ride, Undersea Walk & Waterpark

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ID: GYG642459-1066859
Land: Mauritius

Duur: 08:00 uren


Experience parasailing, undersea walking, and tube riding in Belle Mare's pristine waters. Dive into the excitement of Splash N Fun waterpark before unwinding at Poste La Fayette Beach.
Embark on an unforgettable journey through the vibrant essence of Mauritius with East'N Fun, our exclusive tour designed to cater to both thrill-seekers and relaxation enthusiasts alike. Prepare to elevate your senses as you delve into a day filled with exhilarating adventures and serene moments amidst breathtaking natural beauty.

Begin your East'N Fun experience by soaring high above the azure waters of Belle Mare through the thrilling activity of parasailing. Feel the wind in your hair and the rush of adrenaline as you take in panoramic views of the coastline and surrounding landscapes from a bird's-eye perspective.

Next, immerse yourself in the wonders of the ocean floor with an undersea walk, where you'll have the opportunity to marvel at the colorful marine life and explore the captivating underwater world in a unique and immersive way.

Continue your aquatic escapades with tube riding at Belle Mare's pristine waters, where you'll feel the exhilarating rush of speed and the refreshing splash of waves as you glide across the surface on an inflatable tube.

Afterward, shift gears and indulge in the excitement of Splash N Fun waterpark, where you can splash and play amidst a plethora of thrilling water slides, pools, and attractions guaranteed to keep the fun going.

As the day draws to a close, unwind and bask in the tranquility of Poste La Fayette Beach, where soft sands meet gentle waves, providing the perfect backdrop for moments of relaxation and reflection.

Finally, retire to your hotel as the sun sets, carrying with you memories of a day perfectly balanced between adventure and leisure, and savoring the essence of Mauritius captured in every moment of your East'N Fun experience. Choose East'N Fun for an authentic Mauritian adventure that promises to leave a lasting impression.


  • Pickup from Hotel at 09.00am.
  • Parasailing, Undersea Walk & Tube Ride at Belle Mare.
  • Enjoy at Splash'N Fun Waterpark.
  • Relax at the Coast of Poste Lafayette.



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