Private Dolphin Snorkeling, Halal Lunch on Island,No Alcohol

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ID: GYG490522-869290
Land: Mauritius

Duur: 07:00 uren


Your Private, personalised and Exclusive trip reserved for you and your family only. You have the guarantee for Halal food and no alcohol at all. Welcome onboard to live unforgettable experiences.
Embark on a full-day tour from Tamarin Bay and travel by speedboat as you go in search of dolphins in their natural habitat. Stop for lunch, go snorkeling, and enjoy a full-day

Head to the meeting point and check in for your full-day outdoor adventure. Then, hop aboard a speedboat and set out to sea.

Enjoy wonderful views of the azure ocean waters as you make your way to Île aux Benitiers, where you'll stop to enjoy a Bbq picnic lunch.

As you travel, keep an eye out for the dolphins native to these waters and take advantage of the snorkeling equipment on board to discover the underwater world.


  • Halal Food Guaranteed. No alcohol on board
  • Private, Personalised and Exclusive for you and your beloved only
  • Stunning views of mountains and ocean
  • See Dolphins and snorkel with them
  • Visit the Crystal Rock and touch it even



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


Annulering is niet mogelijk. Als u het toch annuleert of niet komt opdagen op de excursie, wordt u toch de volledige prijs van de activiteit in rekening gebracht en wordt het betaalde bedrag niet terugbetaald.