From Puerto Escondido: Gataway to Oaxaca in one day.

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ID: GYG653200-1081898
Land: Mexico

Duur: 15:00 uren


A getaway taking the path of Alebrijes and Mezcales.
Embark on an adventure beginning at dawn in Puerto Escondido. Our journey takes us to the heart of Oaxaca, where we'll start with a delightful traditional Oaxacan breakfast at the Benito Juarez central market, immersing ourselves in a sensory experience of aromas, flavors, and vibrant colors.
Continuing on foot through the charming cobblestone streets, we'll pass through a lush green quarry that leads to the Tourist Walkway. Along the way, marvel at the architectural splendor of the Santo Domingo de Guzmán temple and explore the city's central area, dotted with museums, galleries, and artisanal shops. In Constitution Garden, soak in the lively ambiance while enjoying a fusion of traditional band and Marimba music.
Our next stop takes us to the renowned Tule tree, a monumental symbol of cultural and ecological significance. Here, capture unforgettable moments through photography and delve into the rich history surrounding this ancient giant.
Our journey continues to San Martin Tilcajete, renowned for its exquisite copal wood carving handicrafts, you'll have the unique opportunity to unleash your creativity by painting your own Alebrije under the expert guidance of a local artisan. Take home a personalized memento from your time in Oaxaca.
Concluding our adventure in a mezcal-producing village, where you'll indulge in a tasting session featuring various mezcal varieties. Gain insight into the intricate production process as you stroll through agave fields and visit a distillery to learn about the artistry behind mezcal production.
Finally, we'll return you to the lobby of your hotel in Puerto Escondido, laden with unforgettable experiences and fascinating stories to share with loved ones. Don't forget to preserve the memories with plenty of photos!


  • Breakfast at the traditional Benito Juarez central market.
  • We visit the historic Oaxaca city Down Town
  • We visit the 2000 years old Tulé Tree.
  • Stop at San Martin Tilcajete, Alebrijes capital,
  • We discover a famous Mezcal producing village.



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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