Guelaguetza Oaxaca City Guided Walking Tour - All Included

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ID: GYG670253-1105294
Land: Mexico

Duur: 10:00 uren


Step into one of the most important celebration in the Oaxacan calendar with us. A tour like no other one, with guide, local delicacies tasting, transport & delicious lunch included.
Dive in the Guelaguetza event, by going to a nearby community where you will be able to watch the traditional festival, filled with dances and stunning textiles from different Oxacan regions.
Then visit a local textile workshop where you will be able to learn about the traditional making process of Oaxacan Textile.

Eat delicious local food in the house of Doña Maria.

Visit the Community Cultural Center of Teotitlan and get to see exhibits of the archeological and textile wealth of Teotitlán del Valle.

Finish the day learning about Zapotec culture in the second-most important archeological site in the state of Oaxaca. Lesser-known than famous sites in the region, the history and heritage of Mitla will blow you away.


The Guelaguetza is a festival which is celebrated in Oaxaca in the month of July, but the meaning of “Guelaguetza” goes far beyond the actual festival. The true meaning of
Guelaguetza has to do with the members of a community coming together and sharing their cultural heritage and all the things that make them unique. GuelaguetzaThe word Guelaguetza means “offering” in Zapotec, and implies a reciprocal exchange between parties. In the Guelaguetza festival, also known as “Los Lunes del Cerro” (Mondays on the Hill), representatives of the different regions of Oaxaca come together wearing their traditional clothing, and they perform the dances which are particular to their region. After they dance, they distribute gifts to the crowd: fruit, baskets, candy, mezcal, tamales and other local goods. This festival is a grand celebration of the cooperative sharing that takes place in every day life in Oaxaca.

La Guelaguetza takes place in Oaxaca city, but there are other Guelaguetzas held in various villages throughout the valley. These more informal celebrations of the Guelaguetza probably bear more resemblance to the way the festival was originally celebrated. This is not so much a show, but a time for people to come together and enjoy one another’s presence, their culture and food. The Guelaguetza lasts for several hours and here people come and go throughout the presentation. The Guelaguetza is a festival of music, costumes, dances, and food, but it’s also a celebration of the mutual interdependence of people within a community. It’s a moment when Oaxacan culture can be appreciated at its best. In these days of Guelaguetza we will be showing the most beautiful and important places and festivities in Oaxaca, mixing the tours that we already have organized with the most important party of the year in Oaxaca, visiting the Guelaguetza in its most original form.


  • City Markets
  • Local food and drink tastings
  • Santo Domingo Church
  • Lunch in organic Market
  • Live the Guelaguetza with the community



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