Oaxaca: Hierve el Agua Tour

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ID: GYG674999-1112829
Land: Mexico

Duur: 10:00 uren


Discover the cultural richness of Oaxaca with visits to Árbol del Tule, Teotitlán del Valle, Hierve el Agua, and the Mitla Archaeological Zone. Conclude your journey with a mezcal tasting experience.
Discover the ancient wonders of Oaxaca on this comprehensive tour. Begin your day with a visit to Árbol del Tule, home to the legendary Tule Tree. Witness the impressive girth of this ancient tree and learn about its cultural significance. Next, delve into the rich artisanal heritage of Teotitlán del Valle, where skilled Zapotec weavers craft intricate wool tapestries. Continue your journey to the breathtaking Petrified Waterfalls of Hierve el Agua, where mineral-rich springs have formed stunning cascades over thousands of years. Explore the mystical landscapes and soak in the natural beauty of this unique geological wonder.

Afterward, immerse yourself in the history of the Zapotec civilization with a tour of the Mitla Archaeological Zone. Marvel at the intricate stone mosaics and learn about the religious and political significance of this ancient site. Finally, indulge in a tasting of traditional Oaxacan mezcal at a local distillery, where you'll learn about the production process and savor the distinctive flavors of this iconic spirit.


  • Explore the ancient Tule Tree and learn about its cultural significance
  • Witness the craftsmanship of Zapotec weavers in Teotitlán del Valle
  • Marvel at the stunning Petrified Waterfalls of Hierve el Agua
  • Discover the history of the Zapotec civilization
  • Enjoy a mezcal tasting at a traditional Oaxacan distillery



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