Old Town Bar, Old Olive Tree and the region of olive groves The region of olive groves: Old Town Bar and Oil tasting

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ID: GYG650610-1077242
Land: Montenegro

Duur: 06:00 uren


Old Town Bar, Old Olive Tree and the olive groves. Cultural tour and olive oil tasting from Podgorica, Budva and Bar. Car, guide in multiple languages and olive oil tasting included. Totally 6 hours.
The Old Town of Bar, in local language Stari Bar, is located inland few kilometres away from the new city of Bar, the main Port of Montenegro. Built around a large and imposing fortification, the Old Town of Bar has a long history. Enjoy a pleasant walk among its narrow paths and traditional buildings listening to the culture behind this city from its origins, then during the Ottoman Empire till the new times. The Old Olive Tree, dated back more than 2000 years, is one of the oldest tree in Europe. Montenegro is a Mediterranean country, where olive trees grow in abundance and the finest olive oil is produced in Bar, along the coastal region of Montenegro. Embrace the charm of the rustic Olive Villa located in the hinterland of Bar, immersed in nature and surrounded by olive groves. Embark on a journey between time and flavor, Montenegrin beauty and ancient tradition lasting for centuries. An exquisite sensorial experience through a millennial history of handcraft olive cultivation passed down from generation to generation. Behind every drop, there is the expertise and the art of local masters.

The tour is available both from Podgorica, Budva and Bar, according to your wish, where a licensed guide will wait for you at your preferred location in the cities. The guide will drive you straight to the Old Town of Bar (about 1 hour drive) where you will enjoy a pleasant walk listening and admiring the history, the architecture and the ancient tradition of the city. After, the guide will drive you to the Olive Villa where you will enjoy the visit of the villa and the olive grove and savor the olive oil (approximately 2 hours). During the tour, you will be introduced to the world of the extra virgin olive oils and the technique of the harvest. The degustation includes extra virgin olive oil tasting and olive derivatives paired with local homemade Montenegrin food. After the degustation, the guide will drive you back to Podgorica or Budva or Bar, according to your preference.

The tour takes approximately 6 hours totally, it is available in multiple languages and it can be arranged from other cities for an extra fee. Kids till 5 years are free of charge!


  • Old Town Bar
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil degustation
  • culture and culinary tour
  • history & tradition
  • Old Olive Tree



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