Everest Helicopter with Biggest Sherpa Village Visit Tour Sherpa Village

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ID: GYG675777-1113748
Land: Nepal

Duur: 1 dagen


Explore Everest's peaks on a helicopter tour with a Kalapathar landing and a visit to Khumjung Village for a taste of Sherpa culture.
Experience the ultimate Everest adventure with our exclusive helicopter tour that takes you from Kathmandu to the breathtaking heights of Kalapathar, followed by a visit to the Everest View Hotel, and a cultural excursion to Khumjung Village, the largest Sherpa village in the Khumbu region.

Your journey begins with a helicopter flight from Kathmandu, lifting off towards the Himalayas and landing at Kalapathar. This vantage point offers spectacular, up-close views of Mount Everest and surrounding peaks, providing an unforgettable opportunity for photography and awe-inspiring moments.

After soaking in the majestic landscapes at Kalapathar, the tour continues with a short flight to the Everest View Hotel. Here, you can relax and enjoy refreshments with a panoramic backdrop of the towering Himalayas.

The next leg of your adventure is a gentle walk to Khumjung Village. As the biggest Sherpa village in Khumbu, Khumjung is steeped in culture and tradition. Visit the renowned Khumjung Gumba, where you can see the famous Yeti Skull, a mystical and intriguing relic cherished by the local community.

Concluding your tour, you'll take a helicopter flight back to Kathmandu, carrying with you the rich experiences and breathtaking sights of the Everest region. This tour is perfect for those looking to experience the beauty and culture of the Himalayas in a luxurious and efficient manner.


  • Close-up views of Everest from Kalapathar.
  • Refresh at the scenic Everest View Hotel.
  • Explore Khumjung, the largest Sherpa village.
  • See the mystical Yeti Skull at Khumjung Gumba.
  • Luxurious helicopter rides across the Himalayas.



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