Salalah City Day Tour (old and new Salalah)

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ID: GYG671734-1107352
Land: Oman

Duur: 12:00 uren


Explore the historical places in the city and also the old Souqs (Traditional Markets).
Welcome to the mesmerizing city of Salalah, nestled in the Sultanate of Oman, where natural wonders and cultural delights await you. Our one-day tour offers a perfect glimpse into the rich tapestry of Salalah’s beauty and heritage, promising an unforgettable experience.

Begin your journey by immersing yourself in the pristine beaches that line Salalah’s coastline. Feel the soft sand beneath your feet and listen to the soothing melody of the waves as you soak in the serenity of the Arabian Sea.

Next, venture into the heart of the city and explore its vibrant soul. Discover hidden treasures in the bustling traditional markets, where colorful spices, intricate textiles, and authentic handicrafts beckon. Lose yourself in the maze-like alleys of the old souq, where history whispers from every corner.

Indulge in a culinary adventure as you savor the flavors of local cuisine, tantalizing your taste buds with aromatic spices and fresh ingredients. From mouthwatering seafood to delectable street snacks, Salalah offers a culinary journey like no other.

Uncover the city’s cultural heritage as you visit museums and heritage sites that showcase Oman’s rich history and traditions. Marvel at ancient artifacts, intricate artwork, and architectural marvels that tell the story of Salalah’s past.

End your day with a leisurely stroll down Coconut Street, where swaying palms and lush greenery create a picturesque backdrop. Breathe in the fragrant air filled with the scent of coconut trees and feel the gentle breeze caress your skin as you bask in the beauty of nature.

Join us on this unforgettable journey through Salalah, where every moment is a treasure to cherish forever.


  • Pick up and drop off
  • Visit Best Places in the City with Group
  • Guided tour with a knowledgeable local guide
  • 1 Meal & Refreshments throughout the day



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