"Salalah Sands Adventure: Explore the Desert"

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ID: GYG672122-1107809
Land: Oman

Duur: 07:00 uren


"Experience the enchanting allure of Salalah's desert with our full-day tour. From UNESCO sites to black camels and stunning sunsets, immerse yourself in the magic of the sands."
Embark on an extraordinary journey through Salalah's desert on our immersive full-day tour. Begin by delving into the ancient wonders of Wadi Dawka, a UNESCO World Heritage Site where time seems to stand still amidst captivating rock formations and prehistoric relics. Traverse through history as you uncover the mysteries of Ubar City, another distinguished UNESCO site, where the remnants of a lost city lie buried beneath the shifting sands, waiting to be explored.

As the adventure unfolds, prepare to be mesmerized by the sight of black camels, a rare and majestic species that roam these desert lands with grace and poise. Their presence adds a touch of mystique to the already enchanting landscape.

The journey culminates at the Al Khatif Sands, where the golden hues of the desert come alive as the sun sets on the horizon. Here, amidst the vast expanse of sand dunes, you'll witness a spectacle of nature's beauty that is truly awe-inspiring. Whether you choose to marvel at the serene landscape or partake in the exhilarating experience of dune bashing, the Al Khatif Sands offer a serene setting to conclude your desert odyssey.

As the day draws to a close, our tour ensures your comfort and convenience with a drop-off at your preferred location in Oman, leaving you with memories of an unforgettable journey through the heart of Salalah's desert wilderness.


  • Starting with the mesmerizing beauty of Wadi Dawka
  • The ancient wonders of Ubar City
  • Along the journey, encounter the majestic black camel&captivating AlKhatif sands



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