From Ancash: Fantastic tour Huaraz/Nevado Pastoruri |4D-3N|

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ID: GYG682901-1122938
Land: Peru

Duur: 4 dagen


Huaraz, located in the Peruvian Andes, is surrounded by imposing mountains and crystal clear lagoons. In addition, its rich history and Andean culture make it a unique place to discover.
Day 1: Visit to the city of Huaraz / Termas de Monterrey (Monterrey Hot Springs)
Arrival in Huaraz and transfer to the hotel.
Breakfast at the hotel.
Visit of the city of Huaraz and its surroundings, including the Main Square, the Archaeological Museum of Ancash, the Sanctuary of the Lord of Solitude, Jose Olaya Street, the Natural Viewpoint of Huaraz and the Monterrey Hot Springs.

Day 2: Callejón de Huaylas / Campo Santo de Yungay / Llanganuco Lagoon / Caraz
Breakfast at the hotel.
Tour through the Callejón de Huaylas, passing through picturesque Andean villages and admiring the Cordillera Blanca and Cordillera Negra.
Visit to the province of Carhuaz and tasting of natural ice cream.
Huascaran National Park and Llanganuco Lagoon.
Visit to the city of Caraz and its dairy factories.
Stop in Taricá to see the handicrafts.

Day 3: Chavin Archaeological Monument / Querococha Lagoon / Chavin National Museum.
Breakfast at the hotel.
Visit to the ancient temple of Chavín, passing through Recuay, Ticapampa and Cátac.
Stop at the Querococha Lagoon.
Pass through the Cahuish Tunnel.
Arrival to the Conchucos Valley and visit to the Archaeological Monument of Chavin.
Observation of artifacts and visit to the National Museum of Chavin.
Day 4: Pastoruri snow-capped mountain / Puya Raimondi / Cave Paintings
Breakfast at the hotel.
Adventure excursion, visiting towns like Recuay, Ticapampa and Cátac.
Exploration of the Pachacoto Gorge and the Patococha lagoon.
Visit to the sparkling water spring of Pumashim and the Puya Raimondi.
Observation of cave paintings.
Short hike to visit the Nevado Pastoruri, with ice caves and a frozen lagoon.


  • Huaraz envelops you in the serenity of its alpine landscapes.
  • Every day in Huaraz is an opportunity for a new exploration.
  • Huaraz, where the silence of the mountains speaks louder than words.



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