Tour to the Colca Canyon in Arequipa ending in Puno

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ID: GYG668919-1103083
Land: Peru

Duur: 16:00 uren


We will pick you up at your hotel from Arequipa, we will visit the most important parts of the Colca Canyon and at the end of the day we will leave you in the city of Puno to continue with your trip.
02:30 to 03:00 AM we begin the ADVENTURE TOUR IN COLCA 01 DAY with the pick-up of passengers at the different hotels, to begin the trip through Yura. The trip will be made directly to the Cruz del Condor, stopping only for breakfast.
At approximately 08:30 we will arrive at the Cruz del Cóndor from where we can appreciate one of the deepest canyons in the world and where the condor sanctuary is located. On the way back we will stop in the towns of Pinchollo, Maca and Yanque that have beautiful colonial churches; as well as at the Antahuilque and Choquetico Viewpoints from where we can observe the pre-Inca tombs and models and the beautiful landscape of Colca with its impressive terraces. In addition, we will appreciate the typical costumes, the camelids and trained birds, and traditional drinks such as the Colca Sour made from Sancayo.
11:30 On the way we head to the Chacapi thermal baths, wells with natural views.
12:30 Then we will have an hour of lunch in Chivay and then board the other tourist mobility to Puno
1:30 p.m. On the way back we will stop at the volcano viewpoint (highest point 4,910 meters above sea level), in the Tocrapampa wetlands where the diversity of wild birds, herds of alpacas and llamas can be seen; In Pampa Cañahuas we will observe herds of vicuñas (part of the Aguada Blanca and Salinas National Reserve), the beautiful South American camelid with one of the finest fibers in the world, high Andean lagoons near Puno.
19:00 approx. Arrival to PUNO


  • Tour to Colca Canyon Fullday and visit the Viewpoints
  • Visit the hot nature springs in Colca Canyon
  • Arrive in Puno when you finish the tour, visit the Titicaca Lake



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


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