From Cajamarca: Majestic Cajamarca 3D/2N

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ID: GYG671862-1110104
Land: Peru

Duur: 3 dagen


Cajamarca is a tourist experience that allows you to explore this charming city in northern Peru. Cajamarca is known for its rich history and beautiful colonial architecture.
Day 1

The Guitar and Dairy Route

The Qhapac Ñan: We visit the Qhapac Ñan (Alameda with the 14 Incas of our history).
"Los Sapitos" Zoolithic Zone: We continue visiting the Sapitos stone forest (political area).
Namora (Guitars): In the Namora neighborhood, we will taste typical alfajores and visit a guitar workshop to see the manufacturing process.
San Nicolás Lagoon: San Nicolás Lagoon, the largest in northern Cajamarca (relaxing ride on totora reed boats).
Colpa and Llancanora
Former Hacienda la Colpa: Visit to the former Hacienda la Colpa to observe the famous cow called by its name, the old hacienda house, the chapel, the artificial lagoon, and taste dairy products.
Llacanora Waterfalls: In the peculiar district of Llacanora, we visit 02 waterfalls, known as the female waterfall and the male waterfall, in addition to the landscape and nature along the way.
Day 2

The Nature and Mysticism Route

Huambocancha: We begin by visiting Los Picapedreros, beautiful carved stone works in quartz, onyx, etc.
Porcòn: Then we will move to one of the few existing agricultural cooperatives in Peru, better known as Granja Porcòn, we will walk through the mini-zoo, taste their industrial products, and appreciate the crafts they offer.
Ventanillas de Otuzco: We will visit the ventanillas or necropolis of Otuzco (funerary buildings that look like windows).
Hanging Bridge and Cajamarquina Countryside: We will appreciate the landscape and greenery of Cajamarca and experience the adventure of crossing the hanging bridge.
Hortensias Garden: Variety of hydrangeas, as well as native plants and Cajamarca craftsmanship.
3 Molinos Hacienda: Appreciate the dairy production process, as well as tasting and purchasing.
Day 3

The Thermalism and Archaeology Route
Baños del Inca

Baños del Inca Complex: Chroniclers tell that the Inca Atahualpa recovered his strength by bathing in these volcanic waters, in the famous "Pozo del Inca" that we can still visit here. These exceed 70 degrees Celsius and have mineral components attributed to medicinal properties.
Bellavista Viewpoint: We will appreciate a beautiful view of the splendid city of Cajamarca.
Cumbemayo Circuit: We will visit the impressive Andean landscape and the forest of volcanic rock formations.


  • Cajamarca: where natural beauty meets history.
  • Travel to Cajamarca and immerse yourself in its charm.
  • Cajamarca, a treasure to be discovered in the Peruvian Andes.



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